- To extend the general knowledge upon the assembly of problems rised by  ageing of complex systems (like a N. P. P. ), plant life assurance, plant life   extension. Details will be given in order to perform a comprehensive overview over the problems related to N. P. P. life extension, advantages and implications.

- To maximize the benefit of research and development work in these areas, in a  sintetic work. With this respect, it will be established the general methodology for analyze the implications of N. P. P. with reactors CANDU-6, life extension.

- To assure a base for change of experience with European and worldwide  Research & Development Institutions (e. g. IAEA, European Commission / Joint  Research Centre). This documented base shall be related to and shall be justified by  the nuclear safety requirements and their implications on CANDU-6 N. P. P. life  extension.

- To perform, for the first time in Romania, a complex evaluation of the technical,  nuclear safety and economical aspects of a Nuclear Power Plant life extension. This study will contain, among others, the scoping and screening of the critical SSC  for the N. P. P. with reactors CANDU-6 life extension analysis, and shall establish the  technical implications to bring a CANDU-6 N. P. P. at the level of life extension  licensing.

- To produce a reference document for Cernavoda NPP owner, as a  support for its Programs of Operation Management, such that it will allow to develop a specific project and perform plant life extension.